Note:ACCX Products develops and maintains the projects below. You are free to download the files, create, modify or otherwise make your own version for your needs. Please click on the links for the SVN repository and support pages.
Open Access Control for Arduino (Repository on Google Code)
Open Access is a shield that works with a standard Arduino as a shield and provides:
* Wiegand26 reader support (Two readers in v2.x hardware, up to 3 possible in software)
* Real-time clock (DS1307 RTC in v2.x hardware)
* On-board 5V switching power supply (1A rating)
* Alarm monitoring with multiple zones (4 in current hardware, uses analog inputs)
* Syslog-like serial logging
* 200 user local database stored in eeprom memory.
* Extensible and easy to modify.
Update: The latest software release (v1.3x) now has a serial terminal for administration, security improvements, and greatly reduced memory footprint.
Version 2.11 of the hardware features:
* On-board 5V switching power supply
* Robust circuit protection with MOV and TVS diodes
* Opto-isolation on all inputs using the NEC PS2501 series parts
* Full 5A continuous trace rating on all relays, 10A contact rating